My question, if there are any paramedics/A&E workers on here, is why my clothes were cut off me?
As others have said, your clothes were cut off for quick access so that emergency personnel could utilize life support and medical diagnosis equipment. I'm guessing you had a heart monitor and respiratory management equipment attached and were given Naloxone or some other medication depending upon what you O.D'd on. If you'd have had CPR, you'd likely have extreme bruising and a cracked sternum.
The problem is, I had always been the model witness before that. I felt dirty and disgusting, I went into a deep depression and ended up trying to end my life by overdose.
As a "Model Witness" you likely had a lot of unrealistic expectations of yourself and of others and an imbalanced view of yourself and your worth for having been less than perfect. This is because JW's tend to forget that the moral code they follow and refer to as "Gods Law", was meant to be a protection for mankind not a means to catch them out and punish them. They tend to emphasize the punishment and sin aspect rather than the intent of the moral laws they follow.
In fairness, the elders were kind and supportive.
Remember, the people who saved your life, didn't learn those skills just for you. They are there to help millions of others like you who really love life and do want to live but just couldn't see past their current painful situation.
Thankfully you survived and those highly trained individuals were able to help you in a real and tangible way rather than read you a daisy chained set of scriptures to show you the error of your ways and then read your name out in front of a congregation of people and require them to abandon you in your hour of need. That is not at all "kind and supportive" and to think that it is, may be a bit of the left over skewed JW thinking.
Glad all of that is behind you now. Thanks for sharing your experience with us !